Revolver map is a very popular live traffic counter for website and blog, it is simple lightweight and beautiful visitor counter. Revolver map supports both of your desktop and smartphones without any issue visitors will get the same view.
The main reason of Revolver map is it can be heavily customizable. You can customize fonts adjust size and colors, which is a cool function because everyone can change it according to their websites, you can add globe according to months visitors. You can also change globe colors, lights and much more. For more information visit official website of revolver map
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ra.revolvermaps.com/0/0/6.js?i=0warfbt5fgn&m=7&c=e63100&cr1=ffffff&f=arial&l=0&bv=90&lx=-420&ly=420&hi=20&he=7&hc=a8ddff&rs=80" async="async"> </script> <a href="http://sparrolite.blogspot.com" title="http://sparrolite.blogspot.com" > </a> <!-- this is a map widget downloaded from sparrolite -->
Also see : How to add your website or blog to google search engine

GeoGlobe is also a real-time visitor counter for blog and website. It is also a free widget and supports both of your computer and mobiles.
It records each visit to your site. you will find on the administration panel all the relevant information concerning the daily frequentation of your site or blog. Geo-globe can be installed in 5 minutes. You choose the color and style of the text. You choose the globe skins which conform to graphics of your site. For more information visit official website of GeoGlobe
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ra.revolvermaps.com/0/0/6.js?i=0warfbt5fgn&m=7&c=e63100&cr1=ffffff&f=arial&l=0&bv=90&lx=-420&ly=420&hi=20&he=7&hc=a8ddff&rs=80" async="async"> </script> <a href="http://sparrolite.blogspot.com" title="http://sparrolite.blogspot.com" > </a> <!-- this is a map widget downloaded from sparrolite -->
Also see : How to add live chat widget to your blog

Stats4u is also a cool visitor counter for website wich allows you to pick from hundreds of styles and even an invisible counter.
Stats4U Counter comes with live statistics on your personal stats page. You can choose lots of different type of visitor counter widgets such as graphical, map, flag etc. You can track their IP, operating system, browser and time of their visits and also compare them with previous days or weeks. The most important and amazing feature of Stats4u is the 'mouse track' option. You can track visitor's cursor and you can see what are the want. For more information visit official website of stats4u
<script type="text/javascript">if(typeof(window["s4uid"]) == "undefined"){ var s4uid = new Array(); var s4u_paramsarr = new Array(); var s4u_sp = new Array(); var s4uc = 0; var acts4uc = 0; var dAsd = new Array(); var temp1 = 0;}(function() {s4uid[s4uc] = "1285446";s4u_paramsarr[s4uc] = new Array();s4u_paramsarr[s4uc]["s4ustyleid"] = "17";s4u_sp[s4uc] = new Array();document.write("<span id=s4u_cp" + s4uc + "></span>");var s4u = document.createElement("script"); s4u.type = "text/javascript"; s4u.async = true;s4u.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://www" : "http://www") + ".stats4u.net/s4u.js";var x = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s4u, x);s4uc++;})();</script> <noscript><a href="http://sparrolite.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://www.stats4u.net/index.php?action=pic&s4uid=1285446&s4ustyleid=17&js=0" border="0" alt="Stats4U - Counter, Statistics & More!" style="vertical-align:bottom" title="Stats4U - Counter, Statistics & More!></a></noscript> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,45,2" width="300" height="300" id="s4uglobe3"<<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /<<param name="movie" value="https://www.stats4u.net/swf/stats4u_globe_counter.swf" /<<param name="src" value="https://www.stats4u.net/swf/stats4u_globe_counter.swf" /<<param name="play" value="true" /<<param name="devicefont" value="false" /<<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /<<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /<<param name="menu" value="true" /<<param name="quality" value="high" /<<param name="FlashVars" value="s4uid=1285446&pwd=&col=0xDDA0DD&tmp=".md5(microtime()*10000*mt_rand(1, 50505))."" /<<param name="align" value="middle" /<<param name="scale" value="noscale" /<<embed wmode="transparent" FlashVars="s4uid=1285446&pwd=&col=0xDDA0DD&tmp=".md5(microtime()*10000*mt_rand(1, 50505))."" src="https://www.stats4u.net/swf/stats4u_globe_counter.swf" quality="high" width="300" height="300" name="s4uglobe" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"<</embed<</object<

Feedjit is also one of the most popular visitor counter for blogs and website wich is created with javascript. it is very light waight wich is good for your websites and blogs because it dosenot increase pageload time. It comes with 2 different versions, javaScript and non-javaScript versions.
You can track visitor by their country. For more information visit official website of Feedjit For more information visit official website of Feedjit
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feedjit.com/serve/?vv=1515&tft=3&dd=0&wid=&pid=0&proid=0&bc=FFFFFF&tc=000000&brd1=012B6B&lnk=135D9E&hc=FFFFFF&hfc=2853A8&btn=C99700&ww=300&wne=5&srefs=0"> </script> <noscript> <a href="http://sparrolite.blogspot.in/">Live Traffic Stats</a> </noscript>
Also see : How to add social media button to your blog
How to add this widget to blog :
Go to blogger dashboard
Click layout from left side menu
Go o any sidebar and select gadget
Choose HTML/JavaScript from 'basic' menu
Give a title and paste code inside the content field.
Click layout from left side menu
Go o any sidebar and select gadget
Choose HTML/JavaScript from 'basic' menu
Give a title and paste code inside the content field.
nice post... this will help everyone who want to track their traffic
ReplyDeleteha..ha..ha... thanks